13. November 2015
Elyxir - Postmortem
On September 18th, 2015 I received a small box from Apple. What followed was a 7 week barrage of coding, re-coding, re-working and entirely re-thinking what I wanted my first game on the Apple TV to be.
Independent Software Development
13. November 2015
On September 18th, 2015 I received a small box from Apple. What followed was a 7 week barrage of coding, re-coding, re-working and entirely re-thinking what I wanted my first game on the Apple TV to be.
17. July 2015
It’s been a very long road but we’ve finally released the giant bug fix version of Mood Board version 1.3.3. This will be the last release in the 1.3 line and it contains a lot of great stuff.
21. December 2014
The general marketing plan for Mood Board has been simple since the beginning. Build an application whose price increases as the utility of the application increases proportionally.
19. December 2014
I am pleased to announce that Mood Board v1.3 has been approved for release on the Mac App Store. Mood Board has been updated to fix a few bugs and version 1.3 adds some really great features if you’re already a user.
07. April 2014
When the weather gets nice most people don’t spend as much time in front of their computers. I think this is fantastic and no matter how much I love working with a keyboard in front of me I still need to get out every once in a while and ride my bike. An unexpected consequence of this is that sales on the various App Stores can take a bit of a beating. While I was out riding my bike this weekend I realized that there’s no Help system for Mood Board. This is wrong, terribly wrong and I resolved to remedy it first thing this morning.
07. April 2014
After a discussion at NSCoder last week I thought that it might make sense to explore a couple of ideas. The first concept was to replace the rendering mechanism in Mood Board with something a little more robust. Since I’ve already got a bunch of 3d experience, SceneKit seemed like a perfect fit. Find out why after the jump.
01. April 2014
I’ve recently submitted the latest version of Mood Board (1.2) to the Mac App Store for approval. Check out the latest changes to be made available later this week.
30. March 2014
More than one of my users has asked me in the last two months to please, please, please (and please) add Panning and Zooming to Mood Board. I’d kept putting it off because of a few reasons; chief among those is that I didn’t really like how NSScrollView (used-to) perform. Having views inside of views inside of views has historically been a performance sore spot and because I haven’t really had anyone to call on to help suss out those issues, I put it in a box. That changes today!
29. March 2014
Quite often you get feature requests and you think, “Yeah that would be nice but when in the world would I have time to write it?” What I’m experiencing is that I need to subscribe more to the idea that as soon as a good idea comes up, I should at least write a little code. Sometimes it ends up being a lot easier, less time consuming, and freaking amazingly valuable than you thought, as is the case with the latest sneaky-peek feature.
26. March 2014
In spite of my best efforts version 1.1 of Mood Board shipped with a couple of issues. Thankfully I have a fantastic group of users and some of you were quick to point out that when you exported images to JPG the order of the nodes in the board wasn’t being maintained. You’ll be pleased to know I’ve fixed that problem along with a slew of other issues. I also wanted to show you a sneaky-peek of a new feature!